San Salvador, El Salvador

Nathaly Maria Cortez

I believe in Bitcoin for inclusion.

With the buzz of Bitcoin booming around her, Nathaly was struggling with the fact that there weren’t enough opportunities for her home country of El Salvador to learn about it. With the help of Paxful, she’s now spreading Bitcoin awareness and education.

A new opportunity

While studying International Economics at Universidad Francisco Gavidia (UFG), Nathaly decided to take a leap of faith and signed up for a Paxful-run seminar that was teaching students about Bitcoin and the power of peer-to-peer trading. Nathaly walked away from the seminar excited and hopeful—for both herself and her community. “Bitcoin is a huge strategy to grow and develop the dichotomy of the Salvadorans,” she said.

A few months after the seminar, Paxful announced the opening of “La Casa Del Bitcoin” in El Salvador—home to free Bitcoin education for the community. Nathaly knew she needed to be a part of it.

Mi casa es su casa

On opening day of La Casa Del Bitcoin, Nathaly got a sneak peek of what was to come for the community. “Bitcoin is about financial inclusion, and we have a place to learn about it now,” she said. From the classrooms to the working stations, people of all Bitcoin levels can find their place at La Casa Del Bitcoin. 

Nathaly is looking forward to taking every class that La Casa Del Bitcoin offers, and she’s excited to meet new people in the Bitcoin community. Even though La Casa Del Bitcoin is an educational hub, it’s also meant for people of the Bitcoin community to meet and connect with each other.

Lending a helping hand

Nathaly has made it her personal mission to further educate those around her about the power Bitcoin holds. “I currently advise family and relatives on the subject of Bitcoin because some people do not have access to banking or the traditional financial system,” she told us.

Nathaly is grateful for La Casa Del Bitcoin, because it has provided the community with a physical place they can come to and learn about Bitcoin. “If you don’t have education, you don’t have the possibility of using it,” she explained. Nathaly hopes to see more education centers like La Casa Del Bitcoin open up in her community so that Bitcoin can reach more people.