Nairobi, Kenya

Hillary Kipkirui

I believe in Bitcoin for creating new paths.

With years of research and experience now under his belt, Hillary has crushed financial and life goals. The best part? He’s not stopping anytime soon, and it’s all thanks to Bitcoin and the community he’s part of.

Research is key

In the summer of 2016, Hillary was introduced to the world of Bitcoin. He was a bit skeptical and confused about the concept at first, but once he saw the progress his friends were making, “I became more interested in joining the Bitcoin community and that’s when I started my journey,” he told us.  

Hillary took the time to learn about Bitcoin through his own research online. Once he felt ready, he took the plunge and began trading Bitcoin. “I wasn’t among the first to buy Bitcoin,” he said, but it’s definitely had a lasting impression on him since.

Sharing the wealth

With the power of Bitcoin on his side, Hillary has set goals for himself “both large and small, financial and lifestyle,” he explained. Trading Bitcoin has allowed him to earn an independent income and reach goals in his life, “I now own a car, bought a piece of land, and upgraded my business,” he proudly shared.

Trading Bitcoin has also allowed Hillary to help his parents, “I have been sending money to my parents at home to facilitate daily operations like paying workers and buying animal feed,” he said. Bitcoin has enabled him to make more money each month, resulting in more freedom.

Succeeding together

As Bitcoin continues to gain momentum and popularity, Hillary is excited to see himself grow in the space and through Paxful. “In the next couple of years, I would like to be a great ambassador to the Paxful community,” he shared with us. In his experience, friends really helped to pave his way into the world of Bitcoin, and he’s excited to do the same for beginners in the industry “so that we can succeed together,” he said.