Isla Tasajera, El Salvador

Don Walter

I believe in Bitcoin for my community.

When the Built With Bitcoin foundation arrived in Isla Tasajera, Don and his community had no idea what lasting impact it would bring. From helping students get a better education to saving wildlife, Don believes it couldn’t be done without the power of Bitcoin.

Island rescue

Don first heard about Bitcoin when the Built With Bitcoin foundation made its way to Isla Tasajera where he lives. Before the Built With Bitcoin foundation landed on the island, Don and other residents only knew that the government had given citizens a bit of BTC, but they didn’t know what to do with it. “Due to the difficulty of internet connection and therefore a lack of knowledge, we didn’t know much about Bitcoin,” he told us.  

With the arrival of the foundation, Don and his neighbors received Bitcoin education, training, and an overall improvement of “payment transactions, purchases, and sales.” As for Don himself, he prides himself on “managing to learn everything that Bitcoin can do for the community,” he told us.

Education first

Don has seen firsthand how Bitcoin can change the lives of his community—through new opportunities. “Bitcoin has brought us great opportunities, especially the positive impact it’s had on the San Rafael Tasajera Canton School Center,” he said. The students and teachers of the school had a hard time getting to and from the school because of its location on the island. Because of a generous donation, they don’t need to worry about how they’ll get to school anymore—the Built With Bitcoin foundation donated a boat to the community to make school more accessible. 

In addition to the boat, Don has seen students excel in school thanks to new computers, cell phones, and Bitcoin education on Paxful. “Students are excited to learn and they want to excel in school,” Don said while he told us about the high school students on the island. With this new technology, students are learning all about how to trade Bitcoin on Paxful and how to make everyday transactions. 

Don’s new knowledge of Bitcoin has motivated him to learn more about how he can use it in his everyday life to better himself and the community around him.

Calm waters ahead

As Bitcoin grows in popularity, Don looks forward to more opportunities to better the Isla Tasajera community. At the top of their list is helping with the conservation of sea turtles on the island. They currently have an incubation pen on the beach, but “Bitcoin donations are needed to maintain it,” he told us. 

Don remains hopeful that Bitcoin will continue to advance not only his community, but also the world as a whole. “Bitcoin will make things easier and more accessible for us all,” he said.