San Salvador, El Salvador

Alejandro Alberto Rodriguez Aguirre

I believe in Bitcoin for planning my future.

Faced with the daunting idea of a depreciating pension, Alejandro needed to get creative with how he could continue living the life he’d always lived. With Bitcoin on his side, he knew he could get creative and pave his way to financial freedom.

Education has arrived

Alejandro had been hearing about Bitcoin for years, but he never dove into what it truly was and the impact it could have on his life. Like so many others around the world, Alejandro was skeptical about a topic that was becoming more popular every day.

Alejandro’s doubts were put to rest when members of the Paxful team arrived in El Salvador. “When Paxful settled into my country, they opened the doors to Bitcoin education and most importantly, an inclusive culture for the community,” he said. Fueled with his newfound knowledge of Bitcoin and what it could do, Alejandro was excited to find ways he could use it every day.

Alternative futures

As a recipient of a pension, Alejandro found himself worrying about his future. Between deteriorating rates and an uncertain future, Alejandro’s pension would only cover his basic needs for survival—he needed to find an alternative solution to help supplement his income.  

Once Alejandro started to get a good grasp on how he could use Bitcoin, he started learning about the ways he could use it to his advantage as he looked ahead at his future.  Alejandro found a way to do just that, “I can take at least 50% of my pension and invest it in Bitcoin. It will allow me to maintain my life status, since Bitcoin itself is an asset on the rise,” he told us. With this new opportunity at hand, Alejandro no longer has to worry about barely scraping by—he can thrive in life with his new strategy.

Just the beginning

One thing Alejandro has come to love about Bitcoin is the community that surrounds it. To Alejandro, Bitcoin stands for “freedom, fairness, respect, honesty, and humility,” and he’s found that the people of the Bitcoin community stand for those same things. He looks forward to continuing on his Bitcoin journey with the support around him.

Alejandro continues to actively look at what else he can do with Bitcoin. “There are other opportunities to generate an income using Bitcoin like mining and nodes. Exploring these options allow me to stay active both physically and mentally,” he said.